Journals Ranking



  • Last update

    Update: Scilit Rankings was last updated on 22 October 2024

  • Open Access

    Open access figures include gold and hybrid open access models, but excludes green open access.

  • Countries

    Countries are matched from affiliation data or via matching institutes from affiliation data of publications. Currently the number of publishers making affiliation data openly available is still limited.

  • Total Articles

    Total number of journal articles published within the edition year

  • Total Articles Trend

    The trend chart represents the total number of journal articles over a 12-year or 12-month period

  • Total OA Articles

    Total open access articles within the edition year

  • 5-Year Cited Articles

    Number of articles published in 2019-2023 that received at least one citation in the same time period

  • 5-Year Citations

    Number of citations in 2019-2023 to articles published in the same time period

  • h5-index

    Number of h articles published in 2019-2023 that received h or more citations

  • Monthly Citation Metrics

  • Monthly Citation Metrics Trend

    The trend chart showcases monthly citation metrics over a 12-month period