Insertion policy selection using Decision Tree Analysis

The last-level cache (LLC) mitigates the impact of long memory access latencies in today's microarchitectures. The insertion policy in the LLC has a significant impact on cache efficiency. A fixed insertion policy can allow useless blocks to remain in the cache longer than necessary, resulting in inefficiency. We introduce insertion policy selection using Decision Tree Analysis (DTA). The technique requires minimal hardware modification over the least-recently-used (LRU) replacement policy. This policy uses the fact that the LLC filters temporal locality. Many of the lines brought to the cache are never accessed again. Even if they are reaccessed they do not experience bursts, but rather they are reused when they are near to the LRU position in the LRU stack. We use decision tree analysis of multi-set-dueling to choose the optimal insertion position in the LRU stack. Inserting in this position, zero reuse lines minimize their dead time while the non-zero reuse lines remain in the cache long enough to be reused and avoid a miss. For a 1MB 16 way set-associative last level cache in a single core processor, our policy uses only 2,069 additional bits over the LRU replacement policy. On average it reduces misses by 5.16% and achieves 7.19% IPC improvement over LRU.

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