Fish Consumption and Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death

SOME1-6 but not all7-10 prospective cohort studies of the association between fish consumption and cardiovascular mortality have reported inverse associations. In general, fish consumption has been associated with lower cardiac mortality in populations characterized by low fish intake in which a substantial proportion rarely or never consumed fish1-6 and not in those with higher levels of fish intake.7-10 Studies in which nonfatal coronary heart disease was examined have shown no relationship.9,10 Randomized trial data are limited, but 1 secondary prevention trial showed an association between fish intake and reduction in cardiovascular mortality but not reinfarction.11 Based on these results, it has been hypothesized that low levels of dietary fish intake may be unrelated to the incidence of myocardial infarction, but could reduce coronary disease mortality by decreasing fatal arrhythmias and therefore sudden cardiac death.12