Spontaneous generation of voltage in Gd5(SixGe4x) during a first-order phase transition induced by temperature or magnetic field

The spontaneous generation of voltage has been observed during the first-order magnetic-Martensitic phase transition process in Gd5(SixGe4x) alloys regardless of whether the transformation is triggered by temperature or magnetic field. Based on various experimental data we show that thermoelectric power is a major contributor to the observed voltage. The characteristics of the simultaneously recorded spontaneous voltage and the signal from a differential thermocouple attached to the sample are quite complex, indicating that thermal effects arising in this class of materials during the first-order phase transition are nontrivial. The unusual dynamics of both the heat release and absorption during the phase transformations in Gd5(SixGe4x) result in the appearance of temperature gradients and, therefore, thermoelectricity.