Compilation tools for run-time reconfigurable designs

This paper describes a framework and tools for automating the production of designs which can be partially reconfigured at run time. The tools include: a partial evaluator, which produces configuration files for a given design, where the number of configurations can be minimised by a process, known as compile-time sequencing; an incremental configuration calculator, which takes the output of the partial evaluator and generates an initial configuration file and incremental configuration files that partially update preceding configurations; and a tool which further optimises designs for FPGAs supporting simultaneous configuration of multiple cells. While many of our techniques are independent of the design language and device used, our tools currently target Xilinx 6200 devices. Simultaneous configuration, for example, can be used to reduce the time for reconfiguring an adder to a subtractor from time linear with respect to its size to constant time at best and logarithmic time at worst.

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