Many childless couples would like to have access to in vitro fertilization (IVF) through public-sector programs, but such programs are scant because of the high costs that IVF entails today. A solution for health departments worldwide might be to leave IVF methods requiring expensive equipment and ovarian stimulating hormones - such as human recombinant gonadotropins, plus gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues to prevent a surge of luteinizing hormone - to the private sector. Rather, health departments could focus on methods using less equipment and no ovarian stimulating agent at all if possible. If not possible, inexpensive clomiphene citrate could be used, combined with human menopausal gonadotropin if needed. Before embryo transfer, oocyte maturation could occur in vitro or in a makeshift incubator: a tube closed, wrapped, and left in the woman's vagina for 24 h. To prevent short- and long-term costs as well as possible lifelong problems, the transfer of multiple embryos should not be performed.