The use of the GnRH analogue buserelin for IVF—does it improve fertility?

Objective— To determine the effect of a short course of the GnRH analogue buserelin and human menopausal gonadotrophin (hMG), for ovarian stimulation in our IVF programme, on reproductive endocrinology and pregnancy rates compared with conventional clomiphene citrate and hMG treatment. Design— Prospective randomized allocation to one of two ovulation stimulation regimens. Setting— Fertility clinic. Subjects— 373 infertile couples with various factors associated with their subfertility. All the women were 2) and progesterone, number of ovulatory follicles induced and the occurrence of pregnancy. Results— Plasma LH, E2 and progesterone concentrations were reduced in the late follicular phase after buserelin/hMG compared with CC/hMG. Buserelin/hMG promoted the development of more follicles than CC/hMG. The overall pregnancy rate after buserelin/hMG was not significantly different from that following CC/hMG treatment. Conclusion— The chance of pregnancy is not improved by the short‐term use of buserelin with hMG, provided adequate follicular phase management is maintained.