A Comparison of Teachers’ and Parents’ Knowledge and Beliefs About Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD)

The Knowledge about Attention Deficit Disorder Questionnaire (KADD-Q) was administered to 256 teachers and 92 parents. Statistical analysis revealed the KADD-Q to be an internally consistent measure of teachers’ and parents’ knowledge of ADHD. Findings demonstrated that the levels of teachers’ and parents’ knowledge about the causes of ADHD was significantly higher than their knowledge of the characteristics of ADHD, which in turn was significantly higher than their knowledge about treatment. When the total scores of teachers and parents were compared, the latter scored significantly higher. Although there were no significant differences in teachers’ and parents’ levels of knowledge about the Characteristics of ADHD, parents scored significantly higher than teachers on the Causes and Treatment subscales of the KADD-Q. The findings also revealed that misconceptions about ADHD are evident among parents and teachers, but that professional development is significant in increasing knowledge.