There is at present no cure for multiple sclerosis (MS), and existing therapies are designed primarily to prevent lesion formation, decrease the rate and severity of relapses and delay the resulting disability by reducing levels of inflammation. The aim of this review was to assess the treatment of relapsing MS with particular focus on subcutaneous (s.c.) interferon (IFN) beta-1a. The literature on IFN beta-1a therapy of MS was reviewed based on a PubMed search (English-language publications from 1990) including its pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, clinical efficacy in relapsing MS as shown in placebo-controlled studies and in comparative trials, efficacy in secondary progressive MS, safety and tolerability, and the impact of neutralizing antibodies. The literature suggests that high-dose, high-frequency s.c. IFN beta-1a offers an effective option for treating patients with relapsing MS, with proven long-term safety and tolerability, and has a favourable benefit-to-risk ratio compared with other forms of IFN beta.

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