Single-crystal-silicon vibratory cylinderical rate integrating gyroscope (CING)

This paper reports the architecture and operation of a single-crystal cylindrical rate-integrating gyroscope (CING). The attractive features of the CING include mode stability due to the separation of the wineglass modes from the in-phase-parasitic modes, self-alignment of sensor components, and fabrication. The CING is built using a silicon-on-glass (SOG) process using a (111) Si wafer. It operates at 17.9kHz, has an average Q of 21,800 and a damping-time mismatch of Δτ of 0.7ms along the measured axes, corresponding to a damping-constant mismatch of (Δ1/τ) of 0.0047Hz at a pressure of <;5mTorr. The CING is operated in the whole angle mode with first-generation interface circuitry consisting of software-defined radio.

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