Maternal deaths due to eclampsia and HELLP syndrome

To evaluate maternal deaths associated with eclampsia, HELLP syndrome, and the concurrence of these conditions. A review of Medline studies reporting maternal deaths associated with eclampsia or HELLP syndrome published in English, Spanish, and Portuguese between 1995 and June 2008. A total of 304 deaths were identified: 100 due to eclampsia, 117 due to eclampsia/HELLP, and 87 associated with HELLP syndrome. Of the total deaths, 71.3% of women had seizures and 67.1% developed HELLP syndrome. In high-income countries 3.9% of deaths were due to eclampsia without HELLP syndrome, while in low-income countries this figure was 42.5% (P<0.0001). The presence of HELLP syndrome in the women who died of eclampsia was 90.6% (29/32) in high-income countries compared with 47.6% (88/185) in low-income countries (P<0.001). Concurrent eclampsia and HELLP syndrome was diagnosed in 5-6 out of 10 deaths associated with eclampsia or HELLP syndrome in this review.