Measurement of hyperfine coupling constants of the5d2Djlevels in Cs using polarization quantum-beat spectroscopy

A precise measurement of the 5d2Dj (j=32,52) hyperfine structure in atomic Cs is reported. A pump and delayed-probe method based on quantum-beat spectroscopy has been used, whereby the linear polarization degree of the probe signal is determined as a function of probe delay. From the measured polarization beat frequencies for delays up to about 180 ns, the magnetic-dipole and electric-quadrupole coupling constants A and B for the two levels are obtained: A=21.24(5)MHz and B=0.2(5)MHz for the 5d2D5/2 level and A=48.78(7)MHz and B=0.1(7)MHz for the 5d2D3/2 level.