The quadrupole moments of Na23 and Al27 are determined by combining the calculated electric-field gradients of Na(3p;2P°) and Al(3p;2P°) with experimental quadrupole coupling constants. Q(25Mg) was determined previously using the same method [Nucl. Phys. A534, 360 (1991)]. Contrary to Q(25Mg) the ‘‘atomic’’ values for Q(23Na) and Q(27Al) lie outside the error limits of the ‘‘muonic’’ values. The obtained values for Q(23Na), Q(25Mg), and Q(27Al) are 0.1089(32), 0.1994(20), and 0.1402(10) b, respectively, as compared to the muonic values of 0.1006(20), 0.201(3), and 0.150(6) b.