Cutting Edge: FISP (IL-4-Induced Secreted Protein), a Novel Cytokine-Like Molecule Secreted by Th2 Cells

Th cell subsets, namely Th1 and Th2 cells, play an important role in mounting an immune response against invading pathogens. Several genes are selectively up-regulated during differentiation and effector phases of Th subsets. In this study, we report the identification of a novel cytokine-like molecule designated FISP (IL-4-induced secreted protein), which is selectively expressed and secreted by Th2 cells. Detectable levels of FISP are observed only 3 days after initiation of Th2 differentiation. Expression of FISP in developing Th cells requires at least two signals: TCR signaling involving protein kinase C activation and STAT6-dependent IL-4R signaling.