Roles of TGFβ in metastasis

The TGF signaling pathway is conserved from flies to humans and has been shown to regulate such diverse processes as cell proliferation, differentiation, motility, adhesion, organization, and programmed cell death. Both in vitro and in vivo experiments suggest that TGF can utilize these varied programs to promote cancer metastasis through its effects on the tumor microenvironment, enhanced invasive properties, and inhibition of immune cell function. Recent clinical evidence demonstrating a link between TGF signaling and cancer progression is fostering interest in this signaling pathway as a therapeutic target. Anti-TGF therapies are currently being developed and tested in pre-clinical studies. However, targeting TGF carries a substantial risk as this pathway is implicated in multiple homeostatic processes and is also known to have tumor-suppressor functions. Additionally, clinical and experimental results show that TGF has diverse and often conflicting roles in tumor progression even within the same tumor types. The development of TGF inhibitors for clinical use will require a deeper understanding of TGF signaling, its consequences, and the contexts in which it acts.