Understanding motor control in health and disease: classic single (n = 1) observations

The field of neuroscience is increasingly dominated by a preferred use of big data, where analysis of large numbers has become an essential area of development. We here draw attention to the importance of smaller numbers, and more specifically, to the historical and continued importance of detailed and judiciously performed studies in single healthy volunteers or single patients with a unique clinical presentation, as an important approach to study normal functions of the nervous system, and to understand the pathophysiology underlying neurological movement disorders. We illustrate this by discussing several historical examples and by summarising Professor John Rothwell’s impressive body of work in single-patient studies, highlighting some of his seminal n = 1 studies that have had a great impact on the field. In doing so, we hope to provide a powerful incentive for the next generation of neuroscientists to keep appreciating the value of detailed analyses of single observations.