Sixty-four eucaryotic nuclear DNA sequences, half of them coding and half noncoding, have been examined as expressions of first-, second-, or third-order Markov chains. Standard statistical tests found that most of the sequences required at least second-order Markov chains for their representation, and some required chains of third order. For all 64 sequences the observed one-step second-order transition count matrices were effective in predicting the two-step transition count matrices, and 56 of 64 were effective in predicting the three-step transition count matrices. The departure from random expectation of the observed first- and second-order transition count matrices meant that a considerable sample of eucaryotic nuclear DNA sequences, both protein coding and noncoding, have significant local structure over subsequences of three to five contiguous bases, and that this structure occurs throughout the total length of the sequence. These results suggested that present DNA sequences may have arisen from the duplication, concatenation, and gradual modification of very early short sequences.