The Unfolded Protein Response Transducer Ire1p Contains a Nuclear Localization Sequence Recognized by Multiple β Importins

The Ire1p transmembrane receptor kinase/endonuclease transduces the unfolded protein response (UPR) from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the nucleus in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this study, we analyzed the capacity of a highly basic sequence in the linker region of Ire1p to function as a nuclear localization sequence (NLS) both in vivo and in vitro. This 18-residue sequence is capable of targeting green fluorescent protein to the nucleus of yeast cells in a process requiring proteins involved in the Ran GTPase cycle that facilitates nuclear import. Mutagenic analysis and importin binding studies demonstrate that the Ire1p linker region contains overlapping potential NLSs: at least one classical NLS (within sequences 642KKKRKR647 and/or 653KKGR656) that is recognized by yeast importin alpha (Kap60p) and a novel betaNLS (646KRGSRGGKKGRK657) that is recognized by several yeast importin beta homologues. Kinetic binding data suggest that binding to importin beta proteins would predominate in vivo. The UPR, and in particular ER stress-induced HAC1 mRNA splicing, is inhibited by point mutations in the Ire1p NLS that inhibit nuclear localization and also requires functional RanGAP and Ran GEF proteins. The NLS-dependent nuclear localization of Ire1p would thus seem to be central to its role in UPR signaling.