Femoral-Distal Bypass with In Situ Greater Saphenous Vein Long-term Results Using the Mills Valvulotome

During a 7-year period, 440 consecutive in situ saphenous vein grafts originating in the groin were performed in 371 patients, exposing the entire vein for valvulotomy with a modified Mills valvulotome. critical ischemia was the indication for bypass in 68%, and the distal anastomosis was to an infrapopliteal artery in 46%. Thirty-day operative mortality was 2.0%. Postoperative surveillance identified 18 stenotic grafts (4.1%), which were revised while still patent (primary revised patency); 36 grafts (8.2%) underwent revision after graft occlusion (secondary patency). Five-year life-table analysis showed overall primary revised patency of 78%, secondary patency of 83%, limb salvage of 88%, and patient survival of 66%. Femoroperoneal and inframalleolar bypasses fared well. The presence of diabetes did not diminish late graft patency. In contrast to reversed vein grafts, long infrapopliteal in situ grafts had long-term secondary patency similar to shorter femoropopliteal bypass grafts (p greater than 0.05). These results, coupled with the versatility and simplicity of the technique as used in the present series, suggest that in situ vein grafting is the procedure of choice for long infrapopliteal bypass.