Angioscopically monitored saphenous vein valvulotomy.

  • 1 October 1986
    • journal article
    • Vol. 4 (4), 360-4
Angioscopy was used during in situ saphenous vein bypass grafting in seven patients. We were able to visualize valve incision, immediately identify and correct incomplete valvulotomy, identify side branches as potential arteriovenous fistulas, and assess distal anastomotic integrity. We encountered no retained valve cusps after angioscopy, as verified by Doppler ultrasound and completion angiography. Angioscopy verified distal anastomotic integrity in all patients with distal vein grafts large enough to accept the angioscope. Angioscopy requires minimal time, is relatively easy to use, serves as an adjunct to Doppler ultrasound and completion angiography, and has future potential as a therapeutic tool.