Whole blood and plasma viscosity values in normal and ascitic broiler chickens

1. Whole blood and plasma viscosity values in normal and ascitic broiler chickens were measured. 2. The mean blood viscosity value in ascitic broilers was greater than that of the controls. There was a small but significant difference in the opposite direction between plasma viscosity values of the respective groups of birds. 3. Although the haematocrit and arterial pressure index values in the ascitic birds were raised, there was a fall in the concentration of total plasma protein. 4. The data suggest that the raised viscosity in the ascitic birds was caused by a polycythemia and not by any influence of plasma protein. 5. The cumulative effect of these factors, such as raised blood viscosity values and larger deformed red cells flowing through constricted lung arterioles, may contribute to the pulmonary hypertension and ascites seen in some young commercial broilers.