Studies on an ascitic syndrome in young broilers 1. haematology and pathology

In the present investigation, the haematology and pathology of young broiler chicks with an ascitic syndrome were examined. Gross changes included cardiomegaly, ascites, congested lungs, shrunken livers, enlarged kidneys, dark breast muscle and congested intestines. Many blood parameters were significantly raised including the packed cell volume (PCV), haemoglobin (Hb), red (Rbc) and white blood cell (Wbc) counts. The heterophils and monocytes were also increased at the expense of the lymphocytes compared with control birds. The histopathology revealed degenerative changes in all organs examined which resembled lesions reported elsewhere in birds maintained at high altitude. In addition, large numbers of infiltrating leukocytes, in particular heterophils, were also present in the tissues. In many cases the syndrome was characterised by congestive heart failure.