Vapour phase growth and grain boundary structure of molybdenum disulphide atomic layers

Single layered molybdenum disulfide with a direct bandgap is a promising two-dimensional material that goes beyond graphene for next generation nanoelectronics. Here, we report the controlled vapor phase synthesis of molybdenum disulfide atomic layers and elucidate a fundamental mechanism for the nucleation, growth, and grain boundary formation in its crystalline monolayers. Furthermore, a nucleation-controlled strategy is established to systematically promote the formation of large-area single- and few-layered films. The atomic structure and morphology of the grains and their boundaries in the polycrystalline molybdenum disulfide atomic layers are examined and first-principles calculations are applied to investigate their energy landscape. The electrical properties of the atomic layers are examined and the role of grain boundaries is evaluated. The uniformity in thickness, large grain sizes, and excellent electrical performance of these materials signify the high quality and scalable synthesis of the molybdenum disulfide atomic layers.Comment: Submitted on Jan 6th 201