Identification of TDRP1 Gene and Its Association with Pig Reproduction Traits

This study was performed to identify and characterize the pig TDRP1 gene and to investigate its association with reproduction traits. The obtained pig TDRP1 cDNA (713 base pair [bp]) comprises a 561-bp open reading frame, which encodes a peptide of 187 amino acids. The identities of pig TDRP1 cDNA were 84.6%, 75.7%, and 77.4% with its counterparts in human, rat, and mice, respectively. Real-time polymerase chain reaction indicated that pig TDRP1 gene was highly expressed in pituitary of male and uterus of female animals. The pig TDRP1 gene contains three exons and two introns. A total of 13 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 1 indel were identified in the screened partial genomic sequence, with most polymorphisms in introns. Allelic frequencies of five SNPs among eight pig breeds were further investigated, and it indicated that Landrace had the lowest genetic diversity. In Yorkshire, three SNPs (c.215+144T>C, c.215+249A>G, and c.215+672T>C) exhibited complete linkage disequilibrium in one haplotype block, and association analyses showed that all of them were significantly associated with number born alive of first parity (NBA1) (pC was also significantly associated with NBA6 (pA and c.215+1026C>T) were associated with total born alive of second parity (TBA2) and TBA6 at the suggestive level (0.05<p<0.1).