Correlation-driven eightfold magnetic anisotropy in a two-dimensional oxide monolayer

Engineering magnetic anisotropy in two-dimensional systems has enormous scientific and technological implications. The uniaxial anisotropy universally exhibited by two-dimensional magnets has only two stable spin directions, demanding 180 degrees spin switching between states. We demonstrate a previously unobserved eightfold anisotropy in magnetic SrRuO3 monolayers by inducing a spin reorientation in (SrRuO3)(l)/(SrTiO3)(N) superlattices, in which the magnetic easy axis of Ru spins is transformed from uniaxial (001) direction (N < 3) to eightfold (111) directions (N >= 3). This eightfold anisotropy enables 71 degrees and 109 degrees spin switching in SrRuO3 monolayers, analogous to 71 degrees and 109 degrees polarization switching in ferroelectric BiFeO3. First-principle calculations reveal that increasing the SrTiO3 layer thickness induces an emergent correlation-driven orbital ordering, tuning spin-orbit interactions and reorienting the SrRuO3 monolayer easy axis. Our work demonstrates that correlation effects can be exploited to substantially change spin-orbit interactions, stabilizing unprecedented properties in two-dimensional magnets and opening rich opportunities for low-power, multistate device applications.
Funding Information
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (51627901)
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (11774236)
  • National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFA0401004)
  • Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS (2016389)
  • Shanghai Pujiang talents Program (17PJ1407300)