Psychische Probleme in der Pandemie – Beobachtungen während der COVID-19-Krise

We have recently observed several clusters of psychiatric symptoms in the context of COVID-19: (1) increased anxiety in psychiatric in- and outpatients with different diagnoses; (2) more cases of domestic violence often associated with increased drug- or alcohol-consumption in offenders and victims; (3) a nihilistic “apocalyptic” syndrome of elderly patients cut-off from their families; (4) visual and acoustic hallucinoses due to pneumonia and sepsis-related confusional states. Cases of chloroquine-related toxicity have been reported elsewhere, but have not been observed in our hospital so far. Mental issues related to COVID-19 reported from China and practical recommendations are briefly summarized. Many patients with serious mental disorders will suffer world-wide due to a reallocation of medical, social and financial ressources. Im Kontext der allgemeinen Krisensituation mit Versorgungsengpässen und kollektiver Anspannung sinkt die Aufmerksamkeit für die Bedürfnisse von Patienten mit vorbestehenden psychischen Erkrankungen oder drohender Dekompensation. Wir berichten über 4 eigene Patienten und das Problem der Chloroquin-Intoxikation, um auf typische Problemkonstellationen und geeignete Interventionen hinzuweisen.