An experiment was carried out on sheep to investigate the effect of supplementary energy, in the form of sucrose, on the intake and utilization of a diet of oat straw supplemented with urea. The sucrose supplement had no significant effect on the dry matter intake, although there was a tendency for the intake of straw to decline with an increase in the sucrose supplement. There was no significant effect on the digestibility of dry matter or crude fibre, but the digestibility of crude fibre tended to decrease when the sucrose supplements were fed. This may explain an increase in faecal nitrogen excretion, which was reflected in a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in the apparent digestibility of nitrogen on the diets supplemented with sucrose. There were no significant differences between the diets in rate of passage, rate of cellulose digestion in the rumen, nitrogen balance, body weight gain, rumen pH, or concentrations of volatile fatty acids and ammonia nitrogen in the rumen. It was concluded that the lack of a supplement of readily available energy was not a limiting factor in the sheep's utilization of the diets used.