The Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire

Background: The Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire (SPMSQ) and other brief tests of cognitive functioning have been widely used to screen for cognitive dysfunction; however, they are rarely used to assess cognitive ability. Objectives: To discern whether the SPMSQ might adequately substitute for longer assessments in the prediction of memory performance in older adults. Method: The SPMSQ and grocery list and prose recall tests were administered to 67 cognitively intact nursing home residents (mean age = 75 years). Demographic characteristics and self-rated health were recorded. Results: The number of items missed on the SPMSQ predicted up to 32% of the variance in more extensive list and prose recall measures, even with demented patients excluded. The SPMSQ retained a strong predictive relationship to memory after age variance was removed, accounting for 11-16% of the variance. Conclusions: The SPMSQ may be useful as a general measure of cognitive abilities in nursing home residents.