Selection of the simplest RNA that binds isoleucine

We have identified the simplest RNA binding site for isoleucine using selection-amplification (SELEX), by shrinking the size of the randomized region until affinity selection is extinguished. Such a protocol can be useful because selection does not necessarily make the simplest active motif most prominent, as is often assumed. We find an isoleucine binding site that behaves exactly as predicted for the site that requires fewest nucleotides. This UAUU motif (16 highly conserved positions; 27 total), is also the most abundant site in successful selections on short random tracts. The UAUU site, now isolated independently at least 63 times, is a small asymmetric internal loop. Conserved loop sequences include isoleucine codon and anticodon triplets, whose nucleotides are required for amino acid binding. This reproducible association between isoleucine and its coding sequences supports the idea that the genetic code is, at least in part, a stereochemical residue of the most easily isolated RNA–amino acid binding structures.