Novel Uses of Surgical Robotics in Head and Neck Surgery

Purpose: To demonstrate the utility of robotically assisted approaches in head and neck surgery. Materials and Methods: Two teenage patients, one with a solitary thyroid nodule who was scheduled for a right thyroid lobectomy and the other with intractable seizures who was scheduled for placement of a vagal nerve stimulator were offered the option of a robotically assisted technique using a transaxillary endoscopic approach. Results: Both procedures were completed successfully using the da Vinci® surgical system (Intuitive Surgical, Sunnyvale, California). A 12 mm telescope and 5 mm instruments were used. There was sufficient mobility of the robotic arms despite the small working space. There were no complications, minimal pain in the axillary incisions, and patient satisfaction was high. Operative times were 4.5 and 4.2 hours, respectively. Conclusion: Transaxillary, endoscopic, robotically assisted approaches to the head and neck are feasible. The addition of robotics improves surgical dexterity in a difficult-to-reach anatomic region. Patient satisfaction appears high because of the avoidance of a cervical incision.