Changes in circuIating B cells and immunoglobulin cIasses and subcIasses in a healthy aged popuIation

SUMMARY: The study of 87 adults of different ages, including 15 centenarians, selected for their healthy status, showed that profound changes of humoral immunity occur throughout life. In particuIar, a statistically significant age-reIated increase of the serum level of immunoglobulin cIasses (IgG and IgA but not IgM) and IgG subcIasses (IgG1, 2 and 3, but not IgG4) was detected. A parallel age-related decrease of circuIating B cells was also observed. The hypothesis of a complex derangement of B cell function and/or compartmentalization with age is put forward, together with the proposal that healthy centenarians (as representative of successful ageing) may be helpful in identifying the physiological age-reIated modifications of the immune system.