Study of Some Early Immunological Parameters in Aging Humans

We studied the correlation between the in vitro lymphocyte proliferative response and some early parameters of lymphocyte activation in aged people. While a consistent number of elderly subjects showed significantly decreased proliferative responses to mitogen stimulation, interleukin-1 (IL-1) production and IL-2 receptor/DR antigen expression were comparable to those of young controls. The reduction in IL-2 production observed in some aged donors did not correlate with the decreased proliferative activity in response to mitogen. Moreover, addition to the cultures of recombinant IL-2 was not capable of restoring the proliferative response to normal levels. These data on the whole seem to argue against a primary involvement in age-associated lymphocyte hyporesponsiveness of an alteration in the early phases of lymphocyte activation engaging the complex lymphokine/receptor network.