Enhanced Expression ofdltABCDIs Associated with the Development of Daptomycin Nonsusceptibility in a Clinical Endocarditis Isolate ofStaphylococcus aureus

Using isogenic clinical bloodstream Staphylococcus aureus strains from a patient with relapsing endocarditis, we investigated the transcriptional profiles of the mprF and dlt genes in the context of cell-surface charge and daptomycin nonsusceptibility. As in prior studies, a point mutation within mprF was observed in the daptomycin-nonsusceptible strain. However, neither the transcriptional profile of mprF nor the membrane phospholipid analyses were compatible with the anticipated mprF gain-in-function phenotype. In contrast, we demonstrated enhanced dlt expression coincident with increased positive surface charge and reduced daptomycin binding

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