The Factorial and Predictive Validities of a Revised Measure of Zaichkowsky's Personal Involvement Inventory

A shortened version of Zaichkowsky's (1985) 20-item Personal Involvement Inventory (Pll) was tested. Termed the Modified Personal Involvement Inventory (MPII), the new 16-item measure is an attempt to purge the PII of items potentially difficult to understand by non-college educated populations. The study investigates the psychometric properties of the MPII, as well as the extent to which the original factors of the Pll are stable with respect to population composition and stimulus objects rated on involvement. Findings from 136 undergraduate and graduate business students showed the revision to be successful. Two factors emerged using varimax rotation. The MPII is on a par with the Pll in its internal consistency reliability, test-retest reliability, and factorial and predictive validity. Tests of predictive validity demonstrated that scores on the MPII were positively related to three consequences of involvement.

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