Characteristics and gelling properties of gelatin from goat skin as affected by drying methods

Characteristics and gel properties of spray-dried goat skin gelatin (SDGG) and freeze-dried counterpart (FDGG) were determined, in comparison with commercial bovine gelatin (BG). SDGG gel had the similar gel strength to FDGG gel and their gel strengths were higher than that of BG gel. SDGG gel showed slightly higher a* and b* values as well as the higher solution turbidity than those of FDGG. Both SDGG and FDGG solutions could set at room temperature (25–28 °C) within 18.52–19.30 min and showed the gelling and melting temperatures of 25.14–25.23 and 34.09–34.18 °C, respectively. Gels from SDGG and FDGG had the denser structure with smaller voids than that from BG. Therefore, drying methods affected the characteristics and gel properties of gelatin from goat skin to some degree.
Funding Information
  • PSU Halal Institute (AGR01H57)