Serum 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D Levels in Normal Subjects and in Patients with Hereditary Rickets or Bone Disease

The serum concentration of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25-[OH]2D) in normal children and in children with inherited diseases of bone was compared by use of a competitive binding assay. Observed values were: in 12 normal children and adolescents, 37.1±11.9 pg per milliliter (mean ± S.D.); in 14 patients with X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets treated with vitamin D2 and phosphate supplements, 15.6±7.8 (P2, 9.5±2.9 (P<0.01 versus control); and in four untreated patients with autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic (non-rachitic) bone disease, 30.2±6.3 (not significantly different from the controls).