Studies on the In Vitro Rumen Procedure: Improved Inoculum Preparation and the Effects of Volatile Fatty Acids on Cellulose Digestion

An improved inoculum for in vitro rumen fermentations has been prepared by discarding the first extraction of the rumen contents, resuspending the pressed pulp in buffer, and re-expressing this liquor as an inoculum source. Inoculum prepared from this liquor gave higher cellulose digestion and less variation between experiments. The activity of these cells was destroyed completely by washing twice with buffer. Aeration for 15 minutes destroyed only 40% of the activity of this inoculum while incubation at 37° C. for 2 hours destroyed only 23% of the activity. A mixture of acetic, propionic and butyric acids (300, 300, and 30 mg./per 100 ml., respectively) inhibited cellulose digestion. Butyric acid alone, however, at levels of 100 to 150 mg./1OO ml. of medium possessed cellulolytic-factor activity similar to that demonstrated by 10 to 30 mg. of valeric acid. The significance of these findings is discussed. Copyright © . .