The isolation and estimation of urinary mucoproteins

A method of isolating mucoproteins from normal male urine by the use of adsorption on benzoic acid was in vestigated. Two similar mucoprotein preparations (A1 and A2) were obtained in a yield of approximately 33 mg/1 of urine. Their properties were investigated and analytical results are presented. A colorimetric method for estimating urinary mucoproteins in normal and pathological urines is described. No significant diurnal excretory rhythm was observed in 4 normal subjects studied. Observations over a period of 5 months on one normal subject are recorded. Ten normal male subjects excreted 146 [plus or minus] 7.5 mg of mucoprotein in 24 hours, while 10 normal females excreted 106 [plus or minus] 6.4 mg. The sex difference was statistically significant (40 [plus or minus] 9.8) and a possible cause for this is discussed.