Late Growth and Changes in Body Composition Influence Odds of Developing Retinopathy of Prematurity among Preterm Infants

Background: While postnatal growth in the first month of life is known to impact retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) risk, the impact of growth later in hospitalization, during critical times of retinal vascularization, remains unknown. The purpose of this study was to assess if postnatal growth and body composition during the second half of neonatal intensive care unit hospitalization were associated with severity of retinopathy of prematurity in very low birth weight preterm infants. Methods: Prospective observational pilot study of 83 infants born p < 0.05). Conclusions: Improved growth later in neonatal intensive care unit hospitalization and increased adiposity at term may reduce odds of severe retinopathy of prematurity.
Funding Information
  • March of Dimes Foundation (12-FY13-295)