DNA Binding of Centromere Protein C (CENPC) Is Stabilized by Single-Stranded RNA

Centromeres are the attachment points between the genome and the cytoskeleton: centromeres bind to kinetochores, which in turn bind to spindles and move chromosomes. Paradoxically, the DNA sequence of centromeres has little or no role in perpetuating kinetochores. As such they are striking examples of genetic information being transmitted in a manner that is independent of DNA sequence (epigenetically). It has been found that RNA transcribed from centromeres remains bound within the kinetochore region, and this local population of RNA is thought to be part of the epigenetic marking system. Here we carried out a genetic and biochemical study of maize CENPC, a key inner kinetochore protein. We show that DNA binding is conferred by a localized region 122 amino acids long, and that the DNA-binding reaction is exquisitely sensitive to single-stranded RNA. Long, single-stranded nucleic acids strongly promote the binding of CENPC to DNA, and the types of RNAs that stabilize DNA binding match in size and character the RNAs present on kinetochores in vivo. Removal or replacement of the binding module with HIV integrase binding domain causes a partial delocalization of CENPC in vivo. The data suggest that centromeric RNA helps to recruit CENPC to the inner kinetochore by altering its DNA binding characteristics. Here we address the issue of how genetic information is passed from one generation to the next without the involvement of specific DNA sequences. This type of inheritance is referred to as epigenetics. Centromeric sequences are highly variable and in many cases are not sufficient for centromere function. Rather, secondary features of the DNA, such as methylation or associated RNA molecules may serve to recruit key centromere binding proteins. Prior data from several species have established that single-stranded RNAs are surprisingly abundant on centromeric chromatin. Here we identified the DNA-binding domain of a key centromere binding protein in maize (CENPC) and showed that it requires single-stranded RNA to effectively bind DNA in vitro. When the DNA/RNA binding domain was deleted, the accuracy of CENPC targeting to centromeres was reduced but not abolished. The results bolster the view that centromere-bound RNA is one component of the epigenetic determination process that assures centromeres are stably inherited. In addition, our data suggest a general mechanism for how RNA can influence the binding of chromatin proteins to DNA.