Senescence-initiated Reversal of Drug Resistance

The present study was undertaken to verify whether induction of senescence could be sufficient to reverse drug resistance and, if so, to determine the underlying mechanism(s). Our findings indicated that cotreatment of drug-resistant neuroblastoma cells with doxorubicin, at sublethal concentrations, in combination with the pan-caspase inhibitor, Q-VD-OPH, elicited a strong reduction of cell viability that occurred in a caspase-independent manner. This was accompanied by the appearance of a senescence phenotype, as evidenced by increased p21/WAF1 expression and senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity. Experiments using specific inhibitors of major cellular proteases other than caspases have shown that inhibition of cathepsin L, but not proteasome or cathepsin B, was responsible for the senescence-initiated reversal of drug resistance. This phenomenon appeared to be general because it was valid for other drugs and drug-resistant cell lines. A nonchemical approach, through cell transfection with cathepsin L small interfering RNA, also strongly reversed drug resistance. Further investigation of the underlying mechanism revealed that cathepsin L inhibition resulted in the alteration of intracellular drug distribution. In addition, in vitro experiments have demonstrated that p21/WAF1 is a substrate for cathepsin L, suggesting that inhibition of this enzyme may result in p21/WAF1 stabilization and its increased accumulation. All together, these findings suggest that cathepsin L inhibition in drug-resistant cells facilitates induction of senescence and reversal of drug resistance. This may represent the basis for a novel function of cathepsin L as a cell survival molecule responsible for initiation of resistance to chemotherapy.