Arteriovenous Fistulas for Long-Term Dialysis

• We reviewed our total experience with arteriovenous (AV) fistulas for long-term hemodialysis. We are unable to show any significant difference in the survival of AV fistulas based either on the type of material used to create the fistulas or on their location. Complications encountered early in this experience largely were due to technical or judgmental errors. Thrombosis of radiocephalic fistulas resulted from failure to use a vein of adequate caliber. Failure of bovine artery heterograft AV fistulas resulted either from wound infection or from the use of a diseased artery that was incapable of delivering sufficient blood to keep the fistula open. Infection around a heterograft fistula frequently was associated with a lymphocele. The meticulous division, between clips or ligatures, of all tissues deep to the skin prevented lymphocele formation. (Arch Surg 113:153-155, 1978)