Glycemic Response to Malted, Popped and Roller Dried Wheat-Legume Based Foods in Normal Subjects

A blend consisting of 75% malted and debranned wheat flour, toasted flours of 10% green gram, 5% Bengal gram, 5% moth bean and 5% skim milk powder, consumed by seven healthy adult subjects in the form of 'chapati' (unleavened bread), showed higher blood glucose response after 30 min, as compared with blends of similar composition prepared by adopting popping or roller drying technique. No significant differences were observed in blood glucose response between the three foods at any other time intervals up to 120 min. However, significantly slower response to the popped product was observed in peak blood glucose, area under the curve (AUC) and slope from 0 time to maximal increase in glycemia. All the three foods were digested fast, as blood glucose reached fasting levels after 120 min.