Subcortical connections of inferior temporal areas TE and TEO in macaque monkeys

To investigate the subcortical connections of inferior temporal cortex, we injected its anterior and posterior portions (Bonin and Bailey's cytoarchitectonic areas TE and TEO, respectively) in 6 rhesus monkeys with retrograde and anterograde tracers. The results indicate that both areas TE and TEO receive nonreciprocal inputs from several thalarnic nuclei, including paracentralis, ventralis anterior, centralis, and limitans, and that TE also receives input from reuniens. Additional nonreciprocal inputs to both areas arise from the hypothalamus, basal nucleus of Meynert, dorsal and median raphe, loeus coeruleus, and reticular formation. TE and TEO are reciprocally connected with the lateral, medial, and inferior nuclei of the pulvinar and with the ventral portion of the claustrum. The main subcortical nonreciprocal Output from TE and TEO is to the striatum and from TEO to the superior colliculus. TE also sends a vcry limited projection to nucleus medialis dorsalis magnocellularis of the thalamus. AK-huugh the connections of areas TE and TEO are overlapping in most subcortical structures, they are partially segregated in the pulvinar, the reticular nucleus of the thalamus, and the striatum. Specifically, relative to those of TE, the projections of TEO are located more laterally in the medial, lateral, and inferior nuclei of the pulvinar, more ventrally in the reticular nucleus, and more caudally in both the ventral putamen and tail and head of the caudate nucleus. e 1993 Wile.v-Liss. Inc. 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United State of America.

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