Correlation Between Phytotoxicity on Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) and Production Dynamics of Allelochemicals Within Root Exudates of an Allelopathic Wheat

An improved allelopathic correlation between phytotoxicity measured in root growth bioassay upon annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum Gaud.) and the concentrations of a selection of dynamically produced allelochemicals quantified in the root exudates of cv. Khapli wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum (Desf.) Husn.) monitored during the first 15 days of wheat seedling growth in a sterile, agar–water medium, has been established. Changes over the 15-day growth period in the quantities of five exuded benzoxazinones and seven phenolic acids were measured simultaneously using GC/MS/MS. Substantiating pure compound dose–response measurements were conducted over a range of concentrations for the putative allelochemicals within the wheat exudates. One synergism-based proposal using the monitored compounds to explain the observed low-exudate-concentration phytotoxicity was explored, but was found to be experimentally inadequate.