Nucleotide sequence and Northern analysis of a bovine major histocompatibility class II DRß‐like cDNA

A 1.2-kb bovine DR beta-like cDNA clone (BoLA-DRB3) was isolated from a peripheral blood lymphocyte cDNA library utilizing a human DR beta cDNA as a probe. BoLA-DRB3 was found to have a high degree of nucleotide sequence similarity (96.8%) with a previously sequenced bovine DR beta-like gene (A1). It is believed that BoLA-DRB3 and A1 represent distinct alleles of one of the three bovine DR beta-like loci. Sequence comparison of BoLA-DRB3 with genes representing the other two bovine DR beta-like loci resulted in moderate degrees of sequence similarities (83.1% and 86.3%, respectively). Comparison of the relative abundance of RNA transcripts of the three bovine DR beta-like loci by Northern analysis of lymphocyte RNA indicated that BoLA-DRB3 is the most actively transcribed of the three bovine DR beta-like genes. Based on these results we suggest that of the three DR beta-like loci thus far identified in the bovine, only one is actively transcribed.