Drug-induced Liver Disease in Denmark

During the decade 1968–1978 the Danish Board of Adverse Reactions to Drugs received 572 (6% of the total number) reports on hepatotoxicity. Halothane amounted to one fourth of the reported cases. Among the 94 psychotropic-induced adverse drug reactions 54 cases were attributed to chlorpromazine, 10 to tricyclic antidepressants. and only 2 to benzodiazepines. Considering the drug consumption data, the combination trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is nearly five times more frequently associated with hepatotoxicity than administration of sulfamethizole. Almost two thirds of the hepatotoxic reactions were classified as cytotoxic. Halothane. oxy-phenisatin, rifampicin, alfa-methyldopa, papaverine, phenytoin, and ajmaline were almost exclusively related to cytotoxic reactions. Excluding the halothane-induced hepatotoxic reactions, the relative mortality of the cytotoxic (6%) reactions is not significantly different from that of the cholestatic (3%) ones. Thirteen percent of the patients with halothane-induced hepatotoxicity died.

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