Cutaneous pain and detection thresholds to short CO2 laser pulses in humans: Evidence on afferent mechanisms and the influence of varying stimulus conditions

Pain and detection thresholds to short CO2 laser pulses were studied in healthy human subjects. Pain thresholds were significantly higher than detection thresholds in both hairy and glabrous skin; in the glabrous skin both thresholds were higher in the hairy skin. The range from detection threshold to pain threshold was larger in the glabrous skin. The minimal energy per surface area needed to produce any sensation (detection) or pain sensation decreased with increasing stimulus surface, and this spatial summation effect was to equal magnitude in the hairy and the glabrous skin. With decreasing stimulus pulse duration (from 45 to 15 msec) the detection and pain thresholds were elevated: this effect was stronger on pain thresholds. With increasing adapting skin temperature, less energy was needed to produce any sensation (detection) or pain sensation. The effect of adapting skin temperature was equal on pain and detection thresholds. The conduction velocity of fibers mediating laser evoked first sensations was in the thin fiber range (< 10 msec), according to a reaction time study. The results suggest that short CO2 laser pulses produce both non-pain and pain sensations, but that both these sensations are based on the activation of the same primary afferent fiber population of slowly conducting nociceptive fibers. Central summation of primary afferent impulses is needed to elicit a liminal non-painful sensation, and an increased number of impulses in the same fibers produces pain.