Tissue from Egyptian mummy material is extremely brittle; hence it was handled in perforated glass tubes during processing. The first (softening) fluid consisted of 96% ethyl alcohol, 30 vol; 1% aqueous formalin, 50 vol; 5% aqueous Na2CO3, 20 vol. It was used in a fluid to tissue volume ratio of 100:1 and allowed to act overnight. A special dehydrating sequence: 80% alcohol, 3-6 hr; 8% phenol in 96% alcohol, and absolute alcohol followed by 3 changes of amyl acetate, 6-18 hr each; 3 changes of 1 % celloidin in methyl benzoate, 24 hr each; then through benzene and embedding in paraffin completed the special technic. This allowed regular sectioning and staining to be done successfully.