We present the theory for the absorption-band shape of the F band in Cs halides, taking into account the spin-orbit interaction as well as the electron-phonon interactions that induce the dynamic Jahn-Teller effect. We divide the electron-phonon interactions transforming according to the irreducible representations Γ1+, Γ3+, and Γ5+ in intrastate interactions that act on the Γ8 and Γ6 electronic excited states and in interstate interactions that mix the two electronic states. The evaluation of the imaginary part of the dielectric constants ε(Ω) is then performed by resumming all the Feynman diagrams determined by the intrastate interactions and by the interstate interactions that enter the Hamiltonian and the dipole-moment operators expressions in the first-order perturbation-theory approximation. We give the results for the absorption-band shape by considering the t2 and t3 terms in the time-dependent phonon propagators. Very good agreement with the experimental data for the F band in CsF and CsBr is found.